Friday, 20 May 2016

Watch: 'Hillary Clinton lying for 13 minutes straight' – Personal Liberty Digest

A video currently going viral illustrates why anyone who supports Hillary Clinton after her decades of political corruption and lies is either stupid or insane.

The video, posted to YouTube back in January, began making the internet rounds after The Washington Post’s Kathleen Parker featured it in a column titled “Hillary Clinton’s viral nightmare.”

Parker noted:

Hillary Clinton’s vast résumé of, shall we say, inconsistencies, is the dog that caught the car and won’t let go. A viral video collection of her comments on various subjects through the years is bestirring Republican hearts.

To those who’d rather vote for a reality show host than a Clinton, the video merely confirms what they’ve believed all along. For independents and even Democrats, it’s a reminder of how often Clinton has morphed into a fresh incarnation as required by the political moment.

Most of the highlights will be familiar to anyone who follows politics — her varying takes on Bosnia, health care, Wall Street, NAFTA — but the juxtaposition of these ever-shifting views is more jarring than one might expect. Politicians count on Americans’ short attention spans (and memories) as much as they do their own policies and/or charms.

In the video, Clinton states—and contradicts—her position on everything from free trade and foreign policy to gay marriage and healthcare reform. Other statements featured in the video are outright lies, presumably intended to pad her political persona.

Mostly, the clip highlights what anyone who has followed Clinton’s lengthy political career already knows: That the Democratic presidential frontrunner has a lust for political power uninhibited by respect for the law or even basic decorum.

Sam Rolley

Sam Rolley began a career in journalism working for a small town newspaper while seeking a B.A. in English. After covering community news and politics, Rolley took a position at Personal Liberty Media Group where could better hone his focus on his true passions: national politics and liberty issues. In his daily columns and reports, Rolley works to help readers understand which lies are perpetuated by the mainstream media and to stay on top of issues ignored by more conventional media outlets.

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